Thursday, March 31, 2011

How safe is our food supply?

Sam: Should our food supply be made safe? YES! Is a one size bill the answer? NO! As far as I understand it, we wouldn't have E. coli or Salmonella to worry about if it were not for Monsanto GMO seeds/crop­s infused with E. coli and Salmonella to activate (Which our FDA that is *supposed* to 'protect' us, allows!) Cows fed GMO corn cannot digest this and they literally defecate E. coli. **Cows that are grass fed, do not! Enter "Big Ag Animal Farming" dangerousl­y close, inhumane and unsanitary living conditions (living knee deep in their own fecal matter). Total. Disaster. ((Oops, a flood, E. coli run-off to the Organic spinach farm next door. -or- what about unknowingl­y buying E. coli tainted manure to use in your garden? Monsanto and Big AG has got to be held accountabl­e. Has our FDA protected us from that? NO. Their answer is to dip all meat in the neurotoxin "ammonium Nitrate to kill the E. coli, rather than fix the problem. ((Oh! Grass fed IS better). The FDA fully support Monsanto. I am afraid this bill is only meant to give more power to Monsanto to run it's course. It is a simple solution. Tell the FDA to clean up it's act, do it's job and say 'NO' to Monsanto. No to Mass Factory Animal farms! Support your local farmers and take the weight off "Big Ag" as to better handle the flow of America's consumptio­n of animals--w­e eat over a billion animals a year alone!”

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